Attention Teachers Of Kids ages 3-8!

Did You Know...Some Experts Estimate THAT




Surprised Emoji

Why would teachers like you who spent hundreds of hours and thousands of dollars preparing for classroom careers, QUIT so soon after they began?

Among other things, teachers today are expected to cover academic content while ALSO expertly meeting the intellectual, creative and social-emotional needs of individual students—often without

cutting-edge training, necessary support or relevant resources.

These expectations alone can prove daunting! But teachers don’t usually know about these things at first...

Frustrated elementary teacher

After all, when you were still in college,

did anyone ever tell you that as a

teacher you’d be expected to...

1. Meet a diverse array of student needs, including a wide range of student abilities, behaviors, learning styles and differences—some of which you weren't familiar with or never trained for?

2. Know how to instantly implement an assortment of teaching strategies designed to meet these individual needs?

3. Manage classroom behavior in ways that ensure a welcoming, safe, supportive, and productive learning environment—especially for those kids who are easily distracted or who experience social-emotional challenges?

4. Prepare children for testing requirements, with the secret worry that if your kids didn’t do well, you might have your professional skills and reputation called into question?

5. Work with limited resources—or with those that are outdated, ineffective or boring?

6. Cope with ongoing stress, fatigue and burnout?



After 30+ years as a teacher in brick-and-mortar classrooms, at home and online, I know how much you love kids AND I know how hard you work!

I see you doing ALL The Things, ALL At Once, ALL The Time!

Smiling Teacher
Teacher Teaching
Teacher and Pupils

I also see you…

√ FEELING OVERWHELMED, UNDER-SUPPORTED AND INADEQUATE as you struggle to serve the diverse needs of all the kids you teach—including those with behavioral and

social-emotional issues.

√ WASTING WAY TOO MUCH CLASS TIME getting your kids to pay attention, listen up and cooperate so they can learn and grow in positive ways.

√ SPENDING WAY TOO MUCH OF YOUR OWN MONEY to make class lessons and activities creative and interesting so your kids will be hooked on learning.

AND…even though you LOVE YOUR KIDS and want to do your ABSOLUTE BEST for them…

I know you sometimes secretly FEEL LIKE QUITTING ALTOGETHER.

Horizontal Wavy Line Icon

If any or all of this sounds familiar,

Don’t Despair!

It’s NOT your fault, you’re NOT alone and


You really CAN feel relaxed, successful, and satisfied

in your work with young children—while STILL having

time AND energy left over for a life outside the classroom!

If you’re thinking, “That sounds IDEAL,

but I don’t know how to get there...“

Dialog box

You need to read EVERY WORD

of this exciting letter, because

it could change the quality

of your life as a teacher from

this day forward…

Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle

Let‘s Get REAL...Teaching Young Learners Is A Highly Demanding Job:

• You‘re center stage for hours a day with a group of kids who present a wide range of needs, challenges, interests and abilities.

• You must answer to administrators, family members and even to yourself.

When you‘re not teaching, you‘re thinking, worrying, planning, organizing, decorating, shopping, reporting, meeting, training,

conferring...yadda, yadda, yadda! WHEW!

If you‘re like me, you‘ve had secret thoughts such as...

“No matter how hard I work, I’m never finished. I work all day and

take work home besides!”

“I spend too much time getting kids to listen and pay attention!

There are so many distractions. I can’t compete with screens!”

“I love my kids, but they come to school with so many different interests, needs and challenges. How can I help each of them?”

“Preparing kids for testing is SO FREAKING HARD!”

“Our curriculum isn't always interesting to ME; how can I hope

to make it interesting for THEM?”

“How can I fit fun and creativity into our day? I’m already swamped

with so many things we need to get done!”

Truth: I've Felt Your Pain!

Plenty of times I’ve had to be the “bad guy,” insisting my kids complete work they found to be too challenging, bland or irrelevant.

They wanted to do this and I had to insist they do that.

Some of my kids struggled with learning and behavioral issues

I felt unprepared to deal with.

My heart broke anytime I watched kids try and fail . . .

again and again.

And I knew if they were failing socially or academically, I was somehow failing them!

There comes a day when you must say,


√ Enough with constantly struggling to get kids to LISTEN UP AND PAY ATTENTION!

√ Enough with trying a zillion different approaches to managing children’s behaviors and meeting their needs—along with customizing approaches for each child.

√ Enough with spending your own time and money trying to make dull curriculums and tedious test prep seem enticing to kids—especially when YOU YOURSELF ARE BORED TO TEARS!

√ Enough with constantly second-guessing yourself or with beating yourself up for so many factors you can't control.

It‘s time you discovered


Teaching Resource that



And if you’re wondering...

Anime and Manga Thought Speech Bubble

What do MY KIDS’


have to do with



It‘s because when kids are ALL IN

When their behavior shows they‘re genuinely excited about school lessons and activities,

they eagerly participate in their own learning!

And When THAT Happens,Your

Tedious Teaching Job Magically Morphs Into

“The Career of Your Dreams!"

Road sign to  happy life and dream job

It makes sense that

if grabbing and holding

kids’ attention

is CRUCIAL for both

Their School Success

AND Your Job Satisfaction,

There can be no better teaching tool

to include in your day than. . .

Puppet Horse Toy



Children's Monkey Puppet Doll Toy
Dialog box

Puppets are a guaranteed KID FAVORITE!

They’re a LOW-COST or NO-COST

teaching resource you can easily pair

with your existing lessons and activities —

Nothing extra to fit into your busy day!

Now, more than ever before, puppets are a powerful,

effective and fun teaching tool that can easily help you...

Fall in Love with Teaching Again!

Fall in Love with Teaching Again!

Group of Hearts
Yellow Apple Illustration
Pencils in White Ceramic Cup
Golden medal
Group of Hearts

Puppets can brighten your days and lighten your load!

Once you begin including puppets in your teaching efforts,

you’ll wonder how you managed without them!

How Do I Know All Of This Is Truly POSSIBLE?

Because It’s Exactly What Happened to ME!

When I discovered how to use puppets to get kids to pay attention easily and effortlessly,

my job became so much easier!

I experienced far less stress and much more fun teaching! And my kids were more eager to learn and participate than ever before.

By developing simple puppet personalities that mirrored my kids’ struggles, aligned

with their frustrations, and embodied their interests, problems and perspectives,

I Unlocked the KEY to Teaching JOY!

I discovered that puppets provide a “seriously playful” approach to helping kids learn.

And why not? After all, puppets are warm and whimsical. And because they are so much fun to watch, touch and listen to, puppets hold gobs of sensory appeal

The power puppets have to get kids to listen, share, cooperate and complete schoolwork is astounding!

“Puppets Created DRAMATIC CHANGES In My Teaching Days!“

Thanks to puppets, my kids’ resistance to schoolwork plummeted to NEAR ZERO as our levels of learning fun SOARED!

Even kids with challenging learning issues and social-emotional challenges began to look forward to participating!

And the BEST PART? I could easily customize puppet interactions to instantly meet the intellectual and social-emotional needs of individual children! WOW!

I’m So Excited to Share These Resources with You!

I know what puppets did for me and my kids.

I know they can do the same for you and your kids.

I’m not kidding! Puppets changed everything!

All at once—

√ Kids who rarely listened paid close attention

√ Unfocused kids were zeroed instead of straying

√ Wiggle worms grew calm and centered!

Even better—

√ Kids with anger issues became puppet peacemakers

√ Kids with test jitters offered test-taking tips to the puppets, and

√ Kids who hated doing schoolwork suddenly loved helping our puppets do theirs!

And BEST of all...I looked forward to doing my job!

Each day, I arrived at school confident that I had at the ready a proven and positive play-based method for grabbing and holding my kids‘ attention.

And this method also worked to promote their social-emotional growth.

And now it’s YOUR TURN!

Now YOU can let puppets help transform your stressful job

into your DREAM CAREER!

Using puppets in the classroom

isn’t a new idea −

It’s a tried and true one that WORKS—

Once You Know What You're Doing!

Dialog box
Cute soft socks puppet on hand flat icon

But no worries! Even if you have ZERO IDEA how to put PUPPETS to work for you, I can help you EASILY and QUICKLY get up to speed with PUPPETS in NO TIME FLAT

Rabbit Hand Puppet



Hi! I'm Mary Beth Spann Mank

I'm a devoted wife, mom, teacher, education writer and PUPPETEER!

I’ve always loved puppets so naturally I wanted to bring them to my classroom and incorporate them into our lessons and activities.

But I found out the hard way that using puppets as teaching tools without first knowing some simple how-to’s can result in a disaster!

My First Attempts at Using Puppets

in the Classroom Were


Happily, I hung in there! In time, I developed simple strategies and techniques

that work every time to have kids interested and engaged in their own learning!


Not only did I unlock effective ways to pair puppets with lessons and activities, but I became super-skilled at putting them to work to meet my children’s intellectual, creative, and social-emotional needs!

Puppets didn’t solve everything perfectly. (Nothing can do that.)

But they DID provide me with a creative, reliable tool I could use to deal thoughtfully and positively with whatever came my way--

and they can do the same for YOU--all without my steep learning curve!

Thanks to Using Puppets as Teaching Tools You Will:

√ Arrive at school each day prepared and ready to go.

√ Feel energized and refreshed throughout the day

√ Be ready with positive solutions for unexpected problems

√ Feel better about your skills and abilities as a teacher.

With Puppets On Hand (LOL!) Your Kids Will:

√ Cheerfully work alone or with others

√ Easily engage in lessons and activities

√ Feel understood and validated

√ Become kinder and more helpful.

Most importantly, with puppets in the mix,

my KIDS’ RESISTANCE to schoolwork and responsibilities

DROPPED TO AN ALL-TIME LOW—and yours can, too!

You can say "SO LONG!" to negative consequences

and "Hello!" to powerful, positive solutions that

work time and time again!

Flat Payful Grainy Purple Sock Puppet
Flat Payful Grainy Orange Sock Puppet


Simple Human Body Parts Illustration - Arm
Simple Human Body Parts Illustration - Arm

After honing my puppetry skills in my own classroom,

I became passionate about sharing my discoveries with other teachers like YOU.

√ I wrote Learn-the-Alphabet Puppet Pals, published by Scholastic, Inc.

√ I presented my “Teaching with Puppets” workshops locally & nationally

√ I visited libraries and classrooms to spread the joy of puppets

with teachers, librarians, children and their families.

I even had the honor of interviewing legendary puppeteer, Shari Lewis,

for an article published in INSTRUCTOR, a national teaching magazine!

And now for my NEWEST Way to Share Puppet Fun...

Puppets images used with permission from Folkmanis® Puppets

Introducing. . .

The Learning with Puppets


The Learning with Puppets


3D Treasure Chest Illustration

FEATURING Puppet Resources for

BOTH Types of Puppet Teachers:

A Totally Affordable Treasure Trove of

Digital, Play-based, Puppet-inspired

Teaching Resources

for Use with Children Ages 3-8!

Eager to Use Puppets as

Powerful Teaching Tools


Puppet Teachers!


Puppet Teachers


Hungry for Ready-to-Use

Puppet Videos & Printables!

Use EITHER or BOTH Types of Resources To Help You...

Fall in Love with Teaching Again!

Use EITHER or BOTH Types of Resources To Help You...

Fall in Love with Teaching Again!

Bright Red Textured Watercolor Hearts
watercolor heart
Bright Red Textured Watercolor Hearts
watercolor heart
watercolor heart
Bright Red Textured Watercolor Hearts

Learning with Puppets Relies on an


This means you will NOT need:

Cute Puppet Animal
Ventriloquist Icon
Letter X Illustration
Letter X Illustration
Retro Textured Price Tag
Dollar Sign Illustration
Dollar Sign Illustration
Dollar Sign Illustration
Letter X Illustration
Playing With Puppets Icon

1.) Expensive

Professional Puppets

3.) Ventriloquism Skills

Letter X Illustration
Puppet Show

2.) Prior experience using puppets with kids

Vibrant Freeform Movie Script
Letter X Illustration

5.) An Elaborate Puppet Stage

4.) Prepared Puppet Scripts

Instead, the Informal Puppetry Resources in my LWP Membership

are designed to help you :

√ Manage your classroom with ease

√ Engage children in their own learning like never before

Creatively explore communication skills and concepts together

√ Easily pair puppet fun with lessons and activities

√ Expertly address your children’s strengths and challenges

√ Infuse your classroom with lightness and brightness

√ Establish a warm and welcoming classroom climate

√ Address your children’s challenges with sensitivity

√ Happily look forward to your school days together.

Fun Chat Bubble Shape


Group of Hearts
Three legged stool icon
Sky Clouds Icon
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

Hey, Mary Beth!

Sky Clouds Icon
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

Hi, Mousie Mouse!

Watercolor Bucket of Fruits
Watercolor Bucket of Fruits
Illustration of Grass
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

What “Do-It-Yourself“

Puppet Resources

Are Inside The

LWP Membership?

Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

LWP Members Get Immediate Access To ALL the Incredible “Do-It-Yourself “

Puppet Resources Described BELOW!

Illustration of Grass
Illustration of Grass
DIY Puppet Resource 1 Teaching with Puppets Online Masterclass

• ONE 60-Minute Master Class: Watch it all in one sitting or start and stop to suit your schedule! (Printable Class Notes included.) Master Class Topics Include:

√ Research-based pedagogy supporting the practice of using puppets as teaching tools

√ Tips for choosing a puppet and bringing it to life with voice and movement.

√ Strategies for inviting children to help develop and expand a puppet's personality

√ How puppet personalities invite children to sit up, lean in, listen up and participate in their own learning as never before

√ Ways puppets can be used to effectively address the full range of interests and challenges children bring to learning situations

√ A host of practical start-up ideas so you can begin to incorporate play-based puppetry into your own teaching efforts with the children you care for.

My “Teaching with Puppets” Master Class promises to help you feel comfortable and confident picking up a puppet

and using it as a teaching tool with your kids!

Group of Hearts

“What Others Are Saying...”

Group of Hearts

“Thank you so much for this

great (Teaching with Puppets) workshop! I learned a lot that

I look forward to using with my students”

—Lea R., Student,

Molloy University Department of Education, Rockville Center, NY

"Thank you so very much, Mary Beth, for presenting your ‘Teaching with Puppets’ Workshop to our education students and preservice teachers! You were terrific in your ability to provide both a pedagogical and practical foundation for using

puppets as teaching and learning tools with children. Looking forward to future collaborations with you!"

Francine Wisnewski, Ed.D, Director of Undergraduate and Dual Degree Programs, Molloy University, Rockville Centre, NY

“The passion Mary Beth has for helping teachers by showing them how to use puppets to teach is simply amazing!

The body of knowledge she was able to gather throughout her career is


— Elie Castonguay, Author,

Living from Your Art: Practical Business Advice to Help Artists Get More Work

Group of Hearts
Group of Hearts
DIY Puppet Resource 2 The Official Teaching with Puppets Manual

“This ebook is chock-full of every single thing I know from decades of using puppets effectively in school with kids!

“It includes all you need to know to easily create believable

puppet personalities your kids will respond to like magic!“

Red Book Illustration
Group of Hearts

As Little Mouse likes to say...

Mouse Hand Puppet
Speech bubble

When Puppets

Come to School,

Teaching & Learning

Come to Life!

Three legged stool icon

Peek Inside this Terrific eBook!

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Why Use Puppets?

Chapter Two

Setting the Stage

Chapter Three

Exploring Puppet Models

Chapter Four

Experimenting with Voice & Movement

Chapter Five

Developing a Puppet’s Personality

Chapter Six

Management Tips & Techniques

Chapter Seven

Using Puppets as Problem Solvers

Chapter Eight

Enhancing Skills & Concepts Across the Curriculum

Chapter Nine

Helping Children Make and Use Puppets

Puppetry Resources

Table of Contents


Chapter One

Why Use Puppets?

Chapter Two

Setting the Stage

Chapter Three

Exploring Puppet Models

Chapter Four

Experimenting with Voice & Movement

Chapter Five

Developing a Puppet’s Personality

Chapter Six

Management Tips & Techniques

Chapter Seven

Using Puppets as Problem Solvers

Chapter Eight

Enhancing Skills & Concepts Across the Curriculum

Chapter Nine

Helping Children Make and Use Puppets

Puppetry Resources

DIY Puppet Resource 3 Monthly Teaching with Puppets Online Meet Ups
Red Heart Shape

Make Friends!

Have Fun!

3D Arrow Icon

Share Ideas!

Solve Problems!

Ask Questions!

Get Feedback!

3D Arrow Icon

Gain Support!

You’ll have fun meeting with me and other like-minded teachers eager to share experiences and learn more and better ways to use puppets with kids. Get all the ongoing support and guidance you need to create a meaningful, memorable teaching and learning experience


Wild Flower Yellow Daisy Flower Watercolor
Sky Clouds Icon
Sky Clouds Icon
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

Hello again,

Mary Beth!

Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

Hi, Mousie Mouse!

Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.

Thanks for the info about the

DIY Puppet Resources.

Wild Flower Yellow Daisy Flower Watercolor
Wild Flower Yellow Daisy Flower Watercolor
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.
Wooden Fence and Grass

So What “Done-For-You“

Puppet Resources

Are Inside

The LWP Membership?

Wooden Fence and Grass

LWP Members Get Immediate Access to ALL The Incredible


Puppet Resources Described


Done For You Puppet Resource 1
A Rich and Ever Growing Collection of Fun and Funny Educational PUPPET VIDEOS

• The resources are designed to help you and your children, ages 3-8, happily explore English Language communication skills involving speaking, listening, reading, writing and thinking.

• With an average running time of 4 minutes, each amusing video is short enough to

hold kids’ attention (YAY!) while meaningful enough to make a lasting impact on their

young hearts and minds

• The full color, live-action videos star charming puppet characters you and your kids will fall in love with!

• Each short video presents a captivating storyline that invites children to explore themes,

skills and concepts essential to an effective, sensitive, and meaningful language arts curriculum.

• Detailed video summaries and guiding questions ensure you can select materials that are the perfect fit for your teaching goals and their interests.

Remember, we want to grab and hold your children’s attention, both for their viewing pleasure and for maximum learning value, and . . . TO HELP MAKE YOUR LIFE AS A TEACHER A JOY!

The PUPPET VIDEOS Focus on Early English Language Communication


• Alphabet Awareness • Phonics • Spelling • Grammar • Rhyming Words

• Action Verbs • Homophones • Descriptive Language • Vocabulary Development

• Reading Fluency • Punctuation • Brainstorming • Problem Solving

...and Much More!

The PUPPET VIDEOS also Feature Fun, Familiar and Popular THEMES,

Such As:

Family & Friendship • Appreciation • Back to School • Seasons • Holidays

• Favorite Foods • Time • Weather • Dinosaurs • Favorite Books • Bedtime

...and Many More!



New Videos & Printables

Being Added


Done For You Puppet Resource 2
Sets of Instant and Irresistible PRINTABLES Keyed to the Ever Growing Library of Puppet Videos

Each Learning with Puppet Video comes complete

with its own set of Teacher Prep and Student Follow-up Printables.

As Little Mouse likes to say...

Group of Hearts
Speech bubble

When the Video

Viewing Is Done,

the Fun’s

Just Begun!

Popcorn Bucket
Rounded Pink Rug

The Printables Include pages designed to help you prepare, present,

follow-up, extend and enhance the video viewing experience, such as:

√ Video Summaries

√ Questions To Ask Before and After Viewing the Video

√ Video Scripts for read alouds and letter/word identification

√ Collaborative Book Covers and Pages—for creating your own class library

√ Readers’ Theater Passages—to help foster fluency

√ Storytelling Passages and Patterns

√ Grammar and Vocabulary Skill Sheets

√ Alphabet, Phonics and Spelling Practice Pages

√ Word Play Activities

√ Poetry Pages

√ Listening Games

. . . And Many More!

Done For You Puppet Resource 3 Monthly Online Meet Ups
Red Heart Shape

Make Friends!

Have Fun!

Share Ideas!

Ask Questions!

Explore Solutions!

Get Feedback!

Gain Support!

3D Arrow Icon
3D Arrow Icon

You’ll have fun meeting with me and other like-minded teachers eager to share experiences and learn more and better ways to use puppets with kids. Get all the ongoing support and guidance you need to create a meaningful, memorable teaching and learning experience


Together, the Learning with Puppets Videos and Companion Printables

give you everything you need to provide your children with





they progress and grow in marvelous ways.

When that happens...DRUMROLL...

Flat Payful Grainy Orange Sock Puppet
Speech Bubbles. Quotes Icon Vector. Message Bubbles Chat. Blank Retro Empty Comic Bubble. Stickers. Dialog Balloons. Vector Illustration.



Dream Sticker Element with Shadow
LOVE teacher life Thank you teacher

With puppets in the mix, you’ll look forward to each school day,

feeling happy, confident and energized in your role as a teacher.

Your kids will enthusiastically respond to the amazingly

creative, classroom-tested, play-based puppet resources you’ll find inside the

Learning with Puppets Membership!

You’ll soon see for yourself how much lighter and happier

you feel knowing you have a way to


as you teach, support, engage, validate and serve them


“What Others Are Saying...”

“I love, love, love this Membership!

Kids and teachers alike are very lucky to have an experienced educator like Mary Beth Spann Mank teaching essential skills via this compelling cast of funny puppet friends.”

— Liza Charlesworth

Executive Editor, Acquisitions & Development, Scholastic Inc.

President, Lefty’s Editorial Services

Group of Hearts

“Learning with Puppets is an innovative way for young children to experience the joy of puppetry while exploring important language arts skills and concepts.

“It’s a wonderfully executed and comprehensive resource—and it's all keyed to the Common Core State Standards for Literacy. I highly recommend it to teachers and parents.”

— Jennifer Bova, Director, OWL Teacher Center, Lindenhurst, NY

“The lively Learning with Puppets videos are sure to captivate young minds making it much easier to help them master Language Arts skills and concepts!”

— Carolyn Savuto-Borrerro, Early Childhood Education Expert, Board of Cooperative Educational Services, Suffolk County, NY

Group of Hearts
Speech bubble

But Mary Beth, what happens

in the unlikely event that

a teacher joins the Membership and then decides it’s not right

for them or their kids?

Speech bubble

No worries, Mousie Mouse!

We want our Members to be HAPPY!

Members can join RISK FREE!

And they can leave at any time—with no questions asked

and no additional payments owed! .

Daisy illustration
Three legged stool icon
Speech bubble
Bouquet Of Daisy Flowers 3d
Hipster Bow Tie Icon
guarantee gold emblem. satisfaction label

Not only that, but any Member

who decides to say goodbye

can keep any and all of the fun ​resources they collected while

still a Member!

That’s My Gift and

My Guarantee!

Golden Christmas Star Ornament
Golden Christmas Star Ornament
Owl cute cartoon

Still Sitting On The Fence?

White fence cartoon

Take Another Look at ALL the Wonderfully Creative Resources Waiting for You Inside The Learning with Puppets Membership!

Remember: Members Get Instant Access to EVERYTHING!

The LWP Do-It-Yourself Resources Include:

• My Signature Online “Teaching with Puppets” 60-Minute Master Class which promises to have you feeling comfortable and confident with beginning to use a puppet as a powerful teaching tool with your kids. Printable class notes included.

• The Official Teaching with Puppets Manual, an eBook including all you need to know to easily create believable puppet personalities your kids will respond to like magic!

The LWP Done-For-You Resources Include:

• A Rich Collection of Fun and Funny Educational PUPPET VIDEOS designed to help you and your children, ages 3-8, happily explore English Language communication skills involving speaking, listening, reading, writing and thinking—with new videos and printables being added on a continuing basis!

• Puppet Videos Focusing on Important English Language SKILLS and CONCEPTS, such as:

• Alphabet Awareness • Phonics

• Spelling • Grammar

• Rhyming Words • Action Verbs

• Homophones • Descriptive Language

• Vocabulary Development • Reading Fluency

• Punctuation • Brainstorming

• Problem Solving...and Much More!

• Puppet Videos Featuring Fun, Familiar and Popular THEMES, such as:

• Family & Friendship • Appreciation

• Back to School • Seasons • Holidays

• Weather • Time

• Foods and Nutrition

• Dinosaurs • Favorite Books

• Bedtime...and Many More!

• Detailed Video Summaries, Read-Aloud Scripts and Guiding Questions so you can select materials that are the perfect fit for your teaching goals and your student’s needs and interests.

• Sets of Instant and Irresistible PRINTABLES Keyed to each Puppet Video and designed

to help you prepare, present, follow-up, extend and enhance the video viewing experience,

such as:

• Alphabet, Phonics Pages

Spelling Practice Activities

• Readers’ Theater Selections to foster fluency and class comradely

• Storytelling Passages & Patterns

• Grammar & Vocabulary Skill Sheets

• Sequencing Activities

• Collaborative Book Covers & Pages for creating your own class library

• Word Play Activities

• Poetry Pages

Listening Games...and Much More!

Group of Hearts a Member in Good Standing, You’ll Be Able to

Join Other LWP Family Members and ME

for Our Monthly Online Meet-Ups!

No matter which type of Puppet Teacher you are—a “DYI-er” or a “Done-for-You-er” or BOTH—you’ll have fun meeting with me and other like-minded teachers all eager to share classroom experiences and excited to learn more and better ways to use puppets with kids.

You’ll appreciate making friends as you enjoy the ongoing support and guidance you’ll receive. Finally you’ll be able to create a meaningful, memorable teaching and learning experiences your kids will benefit from and that


Group of Hearts
Speech bubble

Hey, Little Mouse!

You’re a poet and

don’t know it!

Speech bubble

Hey Mary Beth!

Tell our friends how many COINS

they’ll need to JOIN

the LWP Membership!

Three legged stool icon
Speech bubble

For just $17 a month,

you can join the

Learning with Puppets Membership


to ALL the AMAZING Resources Inside !

Speech bubble

To JOIN, just Click

the Button Below!

My puppet friends and

I will see you on the

Other Side!

Bouquet of Flowers
Modern Geo Rounded Rectangle
White Strike through Cross Out Line Brushstroke

I understand I will be billed

at the rate of $17 $7 USD each month after ​that for as long as I remain a member.

White Strike through Cross Out Line Brushstroke
Arrow Shape
Arrow Shape
guarantee gold emblem. satisfaction label

Your Satisfaction Is Guaranteed!

After joining the LWP Membership,

you’re welcome to stay for as long as you like

or opt-out at any time with

no questions asked and no additional payments due.

You’re invited to keep any resources

you enjoyed during your stay!

guarantee gold emblem. satisfaction label
Hands Kids Finger Hands Pet Robots Puppet